We have often allowed our selves to be led by our parents, our siblings, our loved ones, some our friends and relations. Yes, it is very good our parents who are more experienced than us should lead us, it thoughtful we allowed our elder siblings who had treaded that path before us,show us the way or how to handled it. It is wonderful our friends, loved ones and relations guiding and leading us through because we are green horn in that particular jobs, in that particular career, in that particular subjects and many other things in life.

But there is something that is amidst or very wrong in involving with expert and well experienced parents,siblings,loved ones, friends and relations without getting God’s direction about it nor seeking God’s approval about it. Many people are not bothered because they felt no need involving God first in that journey or that project and it has amounted to failure.

Even in marriage, many people married base on family background either riches of the lady or riches of the lad family back ground, some looked at beauty of the lady and handsomeness of the lad and they are faced with big time trouble and wishing they could turn the hand of time.
Some many young men and women had been deceived traveling overseas with the hope of getting good jobs, in the end it, became a job of prostitutions, a job of pushing hard drugs, a job of washing dishes in a brotels, a job of picking fruits, a job of taking care of old people, these are the same jobs some of them refused engaging them selves here, claiming big boys and big girls and they are doing with all seriousness, some could not even get job at all and they left good jobs here, running to overseas, the only thing left now is returning home frustrated. Yes, you heard right,frustration and humiliation!

So many terrible things are happening around us on a daily bases, since the emerging of covid-19 in 2019, that killed so many people all over the world, some weeks ago there was a terrible earth quake in Turkey that also claimed lives, the war between Russia and Ukraine that has caused horrible and ugly things and by increasing high level of hunger every where in the world.

This is what the Holy Bible says in Proverbs 16:25,” there is a way that seem right to a man, but its end is the way of death (New KJV)”. The way of man always end in death, the decision of man is regret, the path of man is problems, that which always may be right, comfortable with man is always opposite of Lord God Almighty’s path.

Jesus declares in John 14:6,” Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. Jesus declared that with boldness, it shows there is nothing in this life, in this world that Jesus does not have solution to it. He knew he has the power, anointing is from the Father God Almighty above with an everlasting solutions, he knew he his the solution to many things that puzzled mankind,hence he said it without mincing words.

Having know that Jesus is the way, then allow him to lead you in your journey of life, so that you will not encountered trouble, knowing now that Jesus is the Truth, make sure you take all your decision to him before you involve any one else. Jesus is the life, can you hear that? He boldly proclaimed it, if you are living a life outside Jesus then know death to can suddenly knock at your door, if you are living a life of sins then know that you cannot escape danger or destruction. I implore you right now to petered out of that life style of evil, before it found you ensnare, desist from all form of transgressions now, do not allow procrastination to deceive you, do not allow pleasure sins to take you to your early grave and hell fire, of course, there is no repentance in the grave.

If you want to Jesus to lead by the way that is right for you, knowing to be the truth and life, then pray this pray below:
1. Lord Jesus I have been leading my way before now am tired of leading my self, come and lead me now, in Jesus’ name.
2. I do not the way Lord Jesus, but you know my God, lead me above all problems looming ahead of me, in Jesus’ name.
3. You are the truth and the life, today I have know that you are the only truth God I come to you with all my heart,soul and body, in Jesus’ name! Come and be my life Lord Jesus,you have long life,you have life without troubles, you have life without sickness, you have life without regret, you have life without pains, you have life without suffering, you have life to the fullest, you have life to be enjoyed, you have life joy and peace of mind, you have life with rest of mind. Lord I give you my heart, I give my life, and give my soul, in Jesus’ name. Now, search for Holy Bible Believing Church around you and worship God,try to get a copy of the Holy Bible to study by your self,God bless you!

This is publication of Hog-Mag Ministries International. Visit us on our web site: https:llhhogmag.cw.centre,send us your problems to:hogmagmi@gmail.com;hogmagi@gmail.com,our prayer line+2347058999065,WhatsApp line++2347033777142.This is the trademark of HOG-MAG Family.All right reserved! No part of Hog-Mag publications may be reproduced in any form without permission from HOG-MAG Ministries International.

Hog-Mag is an acronym of Hour Of God's Mercy And Grace Ministries International, Otukpo, Benue State. Is focused and based on the foundational sound doctrines, undiluted messages of our Lord Jesus Christ. And anchored on the Old testament and New testament era of the Holy Bible through Lord God Almighty. With the message of salvation works, the redemption works, the reconciliation works, the suffering and agony works, the divine healing and deliverance works, the crucifixion works, the resurrection works, the ascension works, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Assisting the willing hearts to truly know Jesus, repenting of their sinful natures, building and preparing them to solidly stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ in evangelizing, preaching, praying, fasting, studying the Holy Bible. In which is also foundational in philanthropic gesture to disadvantaged people, physical challenged people in our societies. All above, soul winning to the Kingdom of the Living God. Visit us on our website: httpll:hogmag.cw.center, send us mails:hogmagmi@gmail.com;hogmagi@gmailcom,prayer line:+2347058999065,WhatsApp line:+2347033777142