Repent from that sin and its addiction before ill time death strikes .The Lord God Almighty so much delight in the long life of evey human being on the earth. The Lord God is in pain each time, he sees a human being heading destruction, because he did not created us in his likeness and image for destruction.

This is what the Holy Bible says in Genesis 1:26-27.Verse 26: Then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness. Verse 27:So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him, male and female, he created them (NIV).

We have seen the above Holy Bible clearly shown, all the human race is made in God’s likeness and image and so God cannot hate what he made or created for himself to give him glory and honour. Is likened to a biological mother or father who gave birth to their children, each time they see them, are filled with joy and are proud of their children. And it overwhelmed them with all gladness writing in the face of their parents, when they have splendidly performed in their education. So also is what God feels, when we are obeying and adhering to all his commandments in our lives, because there are for our good and well being.

But the moment we sin by not obeying the commandment God, he became very furious with us and he would always want us to releazed and repent in sincerity and in totality to our God. His loving arms his always open to welcome to his bosom, to live, to be from battles, to be save, to enjoy him as Lord, to be safe from enemies, because out side they are lions roaring to destroy us. This is what the Holy Bible says again in Deuteronomy 24:16. Verse 16, fathers shall not be put to death for their children nor children put to death for their fathers, each is to die for his own sin (NIV).

It is clear, if a father sinned against God, he will die for his sin, not his son dying for the father and if the son also sinned against God, the same son, the son will die for his sin, not the father. It means sin instantly generates death, death of total life destruction. Among the multitude of sins in the world, you may not know that which will lead you to untimely death. It says, “the one who sin will die”! How long can you allowed your precious life to slavery to sins? You may be alive but I tell you, you are death already, because you are driven by sin and you take pleasure in all acts of sin, this is why you are. The Holy Bible says Romans 7:23, for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (NIV).

The gift of God is free and that is eternal life. Jesus wants you to give your life, your heart, your soul, your mind, your body to him and eternal life. So why not give your life to Jesus Christ right time, this minute, this second, this hour, this day, this week, this month and this year before the destruction death knocks and that may be late. Take that bold decision of repentance now and be save with long life. Stop that life of sin right now, join me to pray.

Lord Jesus am tired of this life of sin, it has caused so much pains and torment, take more of you and take less of me, shout amen! If you did pray that prayer, I enjoined you search for Holy Bible Believing Church around you. Get a copy of the Holy Bible and study it daily to build a smooth running relationship with Jesus.

This track is a publication of Hog-Mag Ministries Int’l, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria. Enquries , +2347058999065,WhatsApp+2347033777142.

Hog-Mag is an acronym of Hour Of God's Mercy And Grace Ministries International, Otukpo, Benue State. Is focused and based on the foundational sound doctrines, undiluted messages of our Lord Jesus Christ. And anchored on the Old testament and New testament era of the Holy Bible through Lord God Almighty. With the message of salvation works, the redemption works, the reconciliation works, the suffering and agony works, the divine healing and deliverance works, the crucifixion works, the resurrection works, the ascension works, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Assisting the willing hearts to truly know Jesus, repenting of their sinful natures, building and preparing them to solidly stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ in evangelizing, preaching, praying, fasting, studying the Holy Bible. In which is also foundational in philanthropic gesture to disadvantaged people, physical challenged people in our societies. All above, soul winning to the Kingdom of the Living God. Visit us on our website:, send us;hogmagi@gmailcom,prayer line:+2347058999065,WhatsApp line:+2347033777142