One day Jesus Christ and his disciples were passing by and Jesus saved a blind man by healing him because he believed him. This is what the Holy Bible says in John:9:1-41.

Verse 1:As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. Verse 2: His disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Verse 3: Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life (NIV). This was a man that got blind from birth, his parents had gone every thing possible for him to see, he could not and himself and parents have given up hope for the restoration of his sight. But this blind man strongly believe in his heart of hearts, an encounter with the son of God would save him.

The disciples of Jesus, asked him to know, if the blindness of this man was as a result of his sin or the parents, but Jesus replied them, no but the work (glory) of God will be display through him. And this blind man did some thing, he believed in Jesus, and he got saved by divine mighty powers of God. That blindness is another form of darkness, prison life, is also sickness because he could not see to do any thing of his own. Why don’t you believe in Jesus Christ right now and be save from that cage of captivity the devil have kept you?

Why don’t you surrender your whole heart to God just like the blind man did? God wants his work (glorify) be display in your life just like he did to the blind man. Jesus wants to save you, Jesus wants to heal you, Jesus wants to delivers you, Jesus wants to make you free. Jesus loves you, he wants restore your life, just believe him, stay total from any occasion of sin today and let the glory of display be in your life. Verse 35: Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, do you believe in the son of man? Verse 36: Who is he sir? The man asked, tell me so that I may believe in him. Verse 37: Jesus said, you have now seen him, in fact, he is the one speaking with you. Verse 38: Then the man said, Lord, I believe and he worshipped him. Verse 39: Jesus said, for judgement I have come into the world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.

Verse 40: Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, what? Are we too blind? Verse 41: Jesus said, if you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin, but now claim you can see, your guilt remains. Many sinned and justified them selves like the Pharisees in this chapter. You are blind to that blindness of sins but you claimed you could see, because you go to church, you can pray, you bless the poor people, you are christian, your father is a fameous pastor, you can sing very well, you are a founder of a church, nor of those things mentioned qualified you, except you totally believe Jesus Christ like that blind that totally believed him and was save, so that you escape his judgement, he came into world to judge people that does not believed in him. Receive him by believing in him and then Jesus will not judge you, but you refuse believing in him, you have sinned then get ready to be judge by him. No one can stand his judgement, so is better for you to believe him be free his judgement.

Do it now. Life up your voice and pray this prayer, Lord Jesus help my unbelieve today, to strongly and totally believe in you, Jesus’ name, amen! If you prayed that pray, congratulations. I welcome you to Jesus, the Saviour of the world, you are indeed save now. Search for a Holy Bible Believing Church and be save forever. This track is a publication of Hog-Mag Ministries Int’l, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria. Enquries;,+2347058999065,WhatsApp+2347033777142

Hog-Mag is an acronym of Hour Of God's Mercy And Grace Ministries International, Otukpo, Benue State. Is focused and based on the foundational sound doctrines, undiluted messages of our Lord Jesus Christ. And anchored on the Old testament and New testament era of the Holy Bible through Lord God Almighty. With the message of salvation works, the redemption works, the reconciliation works, the suffering and agony works, the divine healing and deliverance works, the crucifixion works, the resurrection works, the ascension works, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Assisting the willing hearts to truly know Jesus, repenting of their sinful natures, building and preparing them to solidly stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ in evangelizing, preaching, praying, fasting, studying the Holy Bible. In which is also foundational in philanthropic gesture to disadvantaged people, physical challenged people in our societies. All above, soul winning to the Kingdom of the Living God. Visit us on our website:, send us;hogmagi@gmailcom,prayer line:+2347058999065,WhatsApp line:+2347033777142