In accordance to the Holy Bible in 1Chrinthians 3:16,” Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?Verse 17: If any one defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are (New KJV)”.

Verse 16 above is describing in simple term, you are the temple of the living God. It then means, all parts of your body systems belonged to the Holy God who created you in His likeness and image.
The same verse 16, is only reminding us on how to maintain all parts of our body that is a dwelling place of God via the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
It stated clearly of things we should be eating, drinking, putting on as dressing , in which is my point of emphasis.

THE DRESSING CODE: Our trend of fashions pertaining dressing into the gathering of the saints is quite bedeviled. The decadence is likened to the prime season why the Church and the gathering of the Lord’s people had lost the day glory God’s raw fire and speed answers to prayed like the days and era of Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola who could stopped the meeting of witches and wizards in Nigeria and entered highly demonic forests forbidden for any one captured for God in the African Continent spreading fast to other parts of the world.

Other of God’s generals with raw fire that frown at indecent exposure to their meeting, was Smith Wigglesworth and Gordon Lindsay would be raising corpses about five to ten back to life in their various separate meetings in 50s in single gathering of the saints in the Continent of America.

WE WELCOMED HALF NUDE DRESSING: We suddenly lost that raw fire those generals passed unto us as God graciously gave them to also give us that mantle of raw fire. This is because we welcome half naked attires to meeting, we accept women wearing pair of seductive trousers and with indecorum to meeting, to those who are married won’t even respect their husbands by not covering their hair to the meeting as their glory.

You make an attempt to put them right through the Holy Bible, before you knew it, they would quote from 1Samuel 16:7,” that God does not looked at the appearance of man but the heart of man only”. But they didn’t remember their body including their heart is God’s temple. Verse 17 dictums any one defiles the the temple of God, God will destroy him, it means many have been spiritually dead for defiling the body of God which is their bodies and awaiting the death in physical. Now wonder so many young men and women are dying through mysterious means for profaning God.

DESTRUCTION OF OUR BODIES BY LORD GOD: Unfortunately, some men of God and general overseers encouraged their wives, their children and church members to immodesty dressed to church gathering. Since the church or particular gathering welcomed such model of dressing foulness, it would always diddly the raw fire of God and then the devil and his agents who have gained ground there, would inflict pains and make life miserable for them. That’s why many people’s problems refused to have divine solutions through God because the gathering or meeting they had gone to worshiped were not recognized by God as a result of disobeying God, wearing the attires God had kicked against on the temple of God, which is your body.

FLEE SEXUAL SINS: This is what the Holy Bible dictums in 1Corinthians 6:18-20,” flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Verse 19: Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? Verse 20: For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s (New KJV)”.

I have seen a pastor of a church, who is supposed to be preaching against sexual impurities engagement among the church members, but himself was an example of such evil acts in the church he pastored. The same pastor would be having sexual sins with some elders’ wives of his church, the same pastor children involving in sex acts with youth members of the church as well, all in the name of relationship and they would get marry with series of abortions done already. Choir members, youth leaders, and other groups in the church gladly enjoyed sexual sins with their body systems in the church again, what a rot? Some of choir members would becoming to rehearsal from their boyfriend’s house, some to Sunday worship from their boyfriend’s house in the morning and amount the podium to sing, sing to which God? The God of Heaven and earth does not accept offering of worship from a fornicator.

Some men even also amount the podium to lead prayer points, when they are involved infidelity, some elders took advantage of widows in their congregation helping them with bill payment but are demanding sex acts from them in returned, what a mess in the holy body of the living God!

NO AGREEMENT WITH IDOLS: This is what the Holy Bible has to say in 2Corinthians 6:16,” and what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, I will dwell in them and walk among them (New KJV)”. Some ladies wear ankle rings, some tattoo their bodies, fixed rings in their tongues, their two nostrils have nose’s rings in them each, they called fashions. It is not fashions as they claimed but is an idolatry, yes, you heard me right.

You have nothing to do with such fashions and men too would fixed ear rings in their both ears, to be resemblance of ladies. All of those wrong fixing, fashions is an idolatry, verse 16b, for you are the temple of living God, as God has said. I will dwell in them and walk among them. If you are putting on those things then it means, God cannot dwell in us and walk among us as He (God) ought to would have done. He would not dwell in us because we put on unholy things, we put on ungodly things that draw away his presence and scared the Holy Spirit away.

This is from Hog-Mag Ministries International, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria, visit our website for more inspiring and impacting word of Lord God Almighty. Visit our website https:,

Hog-Mag is an acronym of Hour Of God's Mercy And Grace Ministries International, Otukpo, Benue State. Is focused and based on the foundational sound doctrines, undiluted messages of our Lord Jesus Christ. And anchored on the Old testament and New testament era of the Holy Bible through Lord God Almighty. With the message of salvation works, the redemption works, the reconciliation works, the suffering and agony works, the divine healing and deliverance works, the crucifixion works, the resurrection works, the ascension works, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Assisting the willing hearts to truly know Jesus, repenting of their sinful natures, building and preparing them to solidly stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ in evangelizing, preaching, praying, fasting, studying the Holy Bible. In which is also foundational in philanthropic gesture to disadvantaged people, physical challenged people in our societies. All above, soul winning to the Kingdom of the Living God. Visit us on our website:, send us;hogmagi@gmailcom,prayer line:+2347058999065,WhatsApp line:+2347033777142